Annual Skating Kilometers

vuotuiset luistelukilometrit

The chart below shows my cumulative skating kilometers on this and recent seasons. Starting from season 2020 data is fetched automatically from Polar Flow service via Accesslink API, where it is syncronized directly from my Polar Vantage M and proprietary InMILE™ inline skating mileage sensor. Data for earlier seasons is based on manual entries measured with an earlier version of the device.

The chart below tells my skating kilometers each year. Indoors-only skating is generally not included; this means indoor inline hockey games, skating on indoor rinks (unless they are a part of an outdoor skating trip), etc. Although my skating career started no later than on Wednesday 8th of July in 1992, I started the development of the PanuWorld InMile measurement device in 1993 and therefore there are no kilometer data available for my first skating years.

Yllä olevat kaaviot kertovat vuotuiset luistelukilometrini. Sisätiloissa tapahtunut luistelu ei yleensä sisälly näihin lukuihin; ts. rullalätkäpelit sisähalleissa, sisäradoilla tapahtunut luistelu (ellei se ole ollut osa ulkona tapahtunutta luisteluretkeä), jne. Vaikka luistelu-urani alkoi jo keskiviikkona 8.7.1992, aloitin PanuWorld InMile -matkamittarin kehittämisen vasta vuonna 1993 – siksi ensimmäisten vuosien kilometrimääriä ei ole tiedossa.

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