Freeware "Swiss Army Knife" for special short messages
- Send
messages directly on recipient's display
- Write messages with
- Turn on the voice mail,
fax, and email indicators
- Write messages with
hidden content
- Play false message signals
with void messages
- Create phonebook entries
- Save your favorite logos
in the phone and change logo with a few key presses
PanuWorld FLASHMSG allows you to send special short messages
with your phone. You do not need the computer after storing the
useful templates and messages in your SIM with the FLASHMSG.
The messages are able to be displayed directly on the recipient's
display (class 0 messages), contain , or to turn different symbols on
and off on the display of your phone. The newest features
include messages that are visible only on some phones,
void messages that just play the message alert tone and vibration
before disappearing, the possibility to create phonebook
entries with , and manager
for operator logo messages that allows saving several
logos on the SIM for later use.

- Short instructions for the basic features of PanuWorld FLASHMSG.
Read also the detailed instructions by pausing the mouse pointer
on each item in the FLASHMSG window.

kolmesta erikoisviestien perustyypistä: luokan 0 ("flash"),
vilkku- ja symboliviesteistä. PanuWorld FLASHMSGille ei
ole olemassa täydellisiä suomenkielisiä ohjeita.
Lue englanninkieliset ohjeet yllä olevasta linkistä.

- Phone compatibility information, free PanuWorld FLASHMSG
downloading (the only place to get always the newest
version). Check the About box to see if you have the newest build.

- Instructions for using this very old software with modern (as of
2009) phones (e.g. Nokia N-Series, E-Series). Most of the PanuWorld
FLASHMSG functions are still working.

- Some tips for connecting the phone to the PanuWorld FLASHMSG.
It should not be tricky but there are so many combinations of
Windowses, cables, IR, and phone models, so exact intructions
cannot be given.

- Useful (blinking) character-based messages in PanuWorld FLASHMSG
file format. Use these as such or modify them further. Send
your own useful messages to the FLASHMSG Gallery!

- Some answers to common problems and questions on PanuWorld
Application allows you to send the messages directly without
leaving them in the SIM memory. Also typing and sending regular
and class 0 SMS messages on the PC is possible with basic phonebook
support. You can now save your messages and drafts also on the
PC disk for later use. - Everything this is FREE, no shareware
This program uses standard GSM commands for communicating
with the phone, so it is not only for Nokia phones. New
phones of any brand with data capabilities will work with FLASHMSG.
However, some of the functions of the application are brand-specific,
for example the bug in some Nokia phones that allow creating
blinking and hidden messages. See the download page to see what features of your non-Nokia phone have been reported to work with FLASHMSG. If not yet reported - try it!
No email support or answers to technical questions.
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