RPN Calculator

Menu map / Function list

Keypad functions

HP48 User-RPL command(s) used for similar purpose is shown in brackets. Sn = value at stack level n

Normal mode:

  Navi:  Options menu
C: Drop one value from stack [DROP] / Exit application if empty stack
Up: Enter interactive stack mode
Down: Duplicate the value on stack level 1 [DUP]
*: Change sign of value on stack level 1 [NEG]
0...9: Digit, starts edit mode
#: Hash, starts edit mode for integer value

Edit mode:

  Navi:  Options menu
C: Backspace / Exit edit mode
Up: Add the value to the stack, and enter stack mode
Down: Add the value to the stack (Enter)
*: Change sign (of exponent if present)
0...9: Digit
2: Digits 2, A, B, C (for hexadecimal integer value)
3: Digits 3, D, E, F (for hexadecimal integer value)
#: Decimal point ('E' for exponent if point already present)
Change radix (of integer value)

Interactive stack mode:

  Navi:	 Stack options menu
C: Exit interactive stack mode
Up: Move the pointer up in the stack
Down: Move the pointer down in the stack
1: Exit interactive stack mode (actually [1 ROLL], see the following)
2: Swap values S1 and S2 and exit interactive stack [SWAP]
3: Move value from S3 to S1 and exit interactive stack [ROT]
4...9: Move value from Sn to S1 and exit interactive stack mode [ROLL]

Main options menu

HP48 User-RPL command(s) used for similar purpose is shown in brackets. Sn = value at stack level n
  1 Add                    S2 + S1 [+]
2 Subtract S2 - S1 [-]
3 Multiply S2 * S1 [*]
4 Divide S2 / S1 [/]
5 Inverse 1 / S1 [INV]
6 Quotients submenu:
6-1 Change by % S2 * ( 1 + S1 * 100 )
6-2 % of total S2 * S1 / 100 [%]
6-3 Change in % (S1 - S2) / S2 * 100 [%CH]
6-4 Share in % S1 / S2 * 100 [%T]
6-5 Remainder S2 mod S1 [MOD]
6-6 GCD gcd (S2, S1)
6-7 LCM lcm (S2, S1)
7 Powers & roots submenu:
7-1 Power S2 ^ S1 [^]
7-2 Root S1th root of S2 [XROOT]
7-3 Square S1 ^ 2 [SQ]
7-4 Square root Square root of S1 []
8 Logarithmic submenu:
8-1 Exponent e ^ S1 [EXP]
8-2 Natural log. ln S1 [LN]
8-3 Decimal exp. 10 ^ S1 [ALOG]
8-4 Decimal log. lg S1 [LOG]
8-5 Hyp. sine sinh S1 [SINH]
8-6 Hyp. cosine cosh S1 [COSH]
8-7 Hyp. tangent tanh S1 [TANH]
8-8 Hyp. arcus sine arcsinh S1 [ASINH]
8-9 Hyp. a. cosine arccosh S1 [ACOSH]
8-10 Hyp. a. tangent arctanh S1 [ATANH]
8-11 exp (x) - 1 e ^ S1 - 1 [EXPM]
8-12 ln (x + 1) ln (S1+1) [LNP1]
9 Bitwise logic submenu:
9-1 And S2 and S1 [AND]
9-2 Inclusive or S2 or S1 [OR]
9-3 Exclusive or S2 xor S1 [XOR]
9-4 Not not S1 [NOT]
9-5 Shift left Shift left S2 by S1 bits [SL]
9-6 Shift right Logical shift right S2 by S1 bits [SR]
9-7 Arith. sh. right Arithmentic shift right S2 by S1 bits [ASR]
9-8 Radix submenu:
9-8-1 Decimal Set display radix to decimal (default) [DEC]
9-8-2 Hexadecimal Set display radix to hexadecimal [HEX]
9-8-3 Octal Set display radix to octal [OCT]
9-8-4 Binary Set display radix to binary [BIN]
10 Trigonometric submenu:
10-1 Sine sin S1 [SIN]
10-2 Cosine cos S1 [COS]
10-3 Tangent tan S1 [TAN]
10-4 Arcus sine arcsin S1 [ASIN]
10-5 Arcus cosine arccos S1 [ACOS]
10-6 Arcus tangent arctan S1 [ATAN]
10-7 Unit of angle submenu:
10-7-1 Degrees Sets angle unit to degrees (default) [DEG]
10-7-2 Radians Sets angle unit to radians [RAD]
10-7-3 Grades Sets angle unit to grades [GRAD]
11 Statistics submenu:
11-1 Total Sum of stack [TOT]
11-2 Mean Mean of stack [MEAN]
11-3 Std. deviation Sample standard deviation of stack [SDEV]
11-4 Variance Sample variance of stack [VAR]
11-5 Maximum Maximum of stack [MAXΣ]
11-6 Minimum Minimum of stack [MINΣ]
11-7 Pop. std. dev. Population standard deviation of stack [PSDEV]
11-8 Pop. variance Population variance of stack [PVAR]
11-9 Sum of x^2 Sum of squared stack values [ΣX2]
11-10 Count Number of stack values []
11-11 Median Median of stack
11-12 Mode Unique mode of stack
12 Probabilities submenu:
12-1 Combination S2! / (S1! * (S2 - S1)!) [COMB]
12-2 Permutation S2! / (S2 - S1)! [PERM]
12-3 Factorial GAMMA (S1+1) [!]
12-4 Random num. Random number in range [0, 1) [RAND]
13 Constants submenu: [CONST]
13-1 Mathematic (3 constants)
13-2 Universal (11 constants)
13-3 Electromagn. (7 constants)
13-4 Atomic/nuclear (4 constants)
13-5 Electron (7 constants)
13-6 Muon (6 contansts)
13-7 Tau (4 constants)
13-8 Proton (8 constants)
13-9 Neutron (6 constants)
13-10 Deuteron (6 constants)
13-11 Triton (5 constants)
13-12 Helion (4 constants)
13-13 Alpha particle (3 constants)
13-14 Physico-chem. (8 constants)
13-15 Adopted values (6 constants)
14 Convert units submenu: [CONVERT]
14-1 Length (22 units)
14-2 Area (12 units)
14-3 Volume (22 units)
14-4 Time (5 units)
14-5 Speed (7 units)
14-6 Mass (13 units)
14-7 Force (6 units)
14-8 Energy (10 units)
14-9 Power (5 units)
14-10 Pressure (8 units)
14-11 Temperature (4 units)
14-12 Angle (8 units)
14-13 Illuminance (3 units)
14-14 Luminance (4 units)
14-15 Equival. dose (4 units)
14-16 Radioactivity (2 units)
14-17 Euro currency (18 units)
15 Dates/times submenu:
15-1 D.MMYYYY add S2(date) + S1(days) [DATE+]
15-2 D.MMYYYY diff S1(date) - S2(date) [DDAYS]
15-3 H.MMSS add S2(hms) + S1(hms) [HMS+]
15-4 H.MMSS subtr. S2(hms) - S1(hms) [HMS-]
15-5 Dec. to H.MMSS Convert decimal hours to h, min, and s [→HMS]
15-6 H.MMSS to dec. Convert h, min, and s to decimal hours [HMS→]
16 Currencies submenu:
16-1 To domestic S1 * rate
16-2 To foreign S1 / rate
16-3 Exchange rate submenu:
16-3-1 Foreign unit expressed in domestic units
16-3-2 Domestic unit expressed in foreign units
17 Clear Clears the stack [CLEAR] / entered value
18 Undo Restores previous stack contents


Selecting an operator, function, or constant in the options menu while you are entering a value will first add the entered value to the stack and then execute the selected command.

In hexadecimal, octal, and binary modes the displayed stack values are rounded to the nearest 32-bit two's complement integers. If the value is out of the 32-bit range, the maximum or minimum value is displayed instead. (In addition to this, all displayed values are truncated to 12 bits in the binary mode.) However, the original value with possible fractional part is used in calculations, not the displayed value.

With all display radixes, bitwise logic operators round the arguments to the nearest 32-bit two's complement integers before the operation.

Statistical functions are calculated over all the values in the stack. Unlike other operations, statistical functions do not drop the input values from the stack. This makes possible to apply another function on the same data after dropping the previous result from the stack.

Pressing # in a constants submenu switches the type of view between constant names and constant symbols & units. Most constant values are based on "The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainity: CODATA Internationally recommended values of the Fundamental Physical Constants (2006)" <URL:http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/>.

D.MMYYYY is the only date format supported. For example, 14th Feb 2006 is written as 14.022006. All date calculations are based on the Gregorian calendar, even for dates before year 1582.

You can use the H.MMSS functions to calculate/convert angles (in degrees-minutes-seconds), too. Angle 27° 23' 57.32" is written as 27.235732.

Interactive stack options menu

HP48 User-RPL command(s) used for similar purpose is shown in brackets. Sn = value at selected stack level
  1 Pick	Add a copy of Sn to the stack [PICK]
2 Roll Move Sn to S1, move S1...Sn-1 up by one level [ROLL]
3 Roll down Move S1 to Sn, move S2...Sn down by one level [ROLLD]
4 Reverse Reverse order of S1...Sn [REV]
5 Duplicate Add copies of S1...Sn to the stack [DUPN]
6 Drop Remove S1...Sn from the stack [DROPN]
7 Keep Remove all other values than S1...Sn from the stack [KEEP]
8 Edit Starts editing of Sn
9 Undo Restores previous stack contents

28.9.2010 - nuukiaworld@gmail.com
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