Inline skating route profiles

Measured with PanuWorld InMile

Difficulty: 2
Category: 3

FinLine 2017, Day 6, Salo - Turku.crp

Place Distance Altitude
Start, Salo, Hotel Salora (09:00:00) 0,00 km 9 hm
Hajala (09:49:50) 13,20 km 40 hm
Paimio, Oinilan Ankkalampi (11:08:10) 31,65 km 49 hm
[51.7 km/h] (12:25:10) 32,47 km 20 hm
ABC Tammisilta (12:52:10) 41,04 km 14 hm
Turku, hautausmaa (15:21:50) 62,53 km 29 hm
Turku, the old Great Square (16:06:38) 67,95 km 5 hm

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Region ???
Tour Name FinLine 2017, Day 6, Salo - Turku.crp
Distance 67,95 km
Altitude 643 hm
Length 03:52:00 h
Rec. Gear ???
Note: ???
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