Inline skating route profiles

Measured with PanuWorld InMile

Difficulty: 3
Category: 2

FinLine 2016, Levitunturi up-down skate, Levi

Place Distance Altitude
Start, Lapland Hotel Sirkantähti (00:49:00) 0,00 km 210 hm
Levitunturi uphill (00:56:30) 2,36 km 209 hm
Koutalaki, Hotel Levi Panorama (01:09:00) 4,16 km 322 hm
Jäkälälaki (01:35:10) 6,25 km 489 hm
Lammaskuru [brake pad check] (01:36:50) 6,48 km 481 hm
Levitunturi downhill [46.1 km/h] (01:44:00) 8,06 km 350 hm
Koutalaki [brake pad replace] (01:47:00) 8,89 km 335 hm
Koutalaki [skating aborted] (01:57:30) 9,84 km 320 hm
Levi, V'inkkari [skating continues] (02:09:40) 9,84 km 206 hm
Finish, Lapland Hotel Sirkantähti (02:13:35) 10,55 km 212 hm

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Region ???
Tour Name FinLine 2016, Levitunturi up-down skate, Levi
Distance 10,55 km
Altitude 319 hm
Length 00:53:10 h
Rec. Gear ???
Note: ???
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