Inline skating route profiles

Measured with PanuWorld InMile

Difficulty: 1
Category: 1

FinLine 2016, Evening Skate, Lappea

Place Distance Altitude
Start, Lappea, Lappean Loma (21:52:00) 0,00 km 135 hm
Tornionjoki and Muonionjoki river junction (22:06:30) 3,41 km 147 hm
Lappeankangas [47.7 km/h] (22:16:50) 4,34 km 130 hm
Finish, Lappea, Lappean Loma (22:23:30) 6,69 km 134 hm

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Region ???
Tour Name FinLine 2016, Evening Skate, Lappea
Distance 6,69 km
Altitude 44 hm
Length 00:25:00 h
Rec. Gear ???
Note: ???
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