Inline skating route profiles

Measured with PanuWorld InMile

Difficulty: 2
Category: 2

FinLine 2009, Day 4, Turku

Place Distance Altitude
Sokos Hotel Hamburger Börs, Turku (10:15:00) 0,00 km 5 hm
Ruissalo Camping, Turku (11:09:32) 13,80 km 2 hm
Föri ferry, Turku (13:36:23) 25,99 km 9 hm
Rowing and Canoeing Centre, Turku (13:59:49) 30,16 km 10 hm
Congress Centre Hotel Linnasmäki, Turku (16:57:49) 39,89 km 38 hm

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Region ???
Tour Name FinLine 2009, Day 4, Turku
Distance 39,89 km
Altitude 470 hm
Length 02:31:50 h
Rec. Gear ???
Note: ???
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