Inline skating route profiles

Measured with PanuWorld InMile

Difficulty: 2
Category: 2

FinLine 2011, Day 8, Lapua - Vaasa

Place Distance Altitude
Start of bonus, B & B Peräkangas (08:40:00) 0,00 km 65 hm
48.5 km/h 9,28 km 43 hm
Start, ABC Lapua (09:15:10) 10,24 km 31 hm
Viemerö (09:51:10) 22,62 km 30 hm
Topparla (10:30:50) 33,96 km 36 hm
Ylistaro beach (11:12:50) 40,88 km 22 hm
Grill-café Karoliini (12:45:23) 50,20 km 17 hm
Neste Oil Tervajoki (14:25:57) 64,20 km 17 hm
Neste Laihia (15:27:30) 75,90 km 11 hm
Vikby (16:15:33) 88,40 km 5 hm
Vaasa city border (16:29:58) 89,94 km 4 hm
Meeting point, Vaasa Arena (16:55:59) 96,86 km 8 hm
Finish, Sokos Hotel Vaakuna (17:20:50) 99,64 km 13 hm

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Region ???
Tour Name FinLine 2011, Day 8, Lapua - Vaasa
Distance 99,64 km
Altitude 387 hm
Length 05:17:20 h
Rec. Gear ???
Note: ???
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